is Acte?
ACTE is a 3 years project funded by ANSES and which joined 5 partners: Orange, Telecom ParisTech, Telecom Bretagne, PHE and CATR.
The project began in 2013 and will last 3 years.
The main goal of the project is to analyse the exposure of new-born and very young kids to RF EMF from LTE wireless systems.
The ambitious objectives of the ACTE project are:
- Develop new RF LTE sources
- Develop
new-born models and very young kid models based on Magnetic
Resonance images
that can be used in
numerical dosimetry
- Develop
new tools to deform 3D numerical models in order to create new postures
into account different possible configurations
encountered with
new usages and new wireless technologies.
- Assess
the exposure
in different
and analyze the influence of parameters like posture, frequency or
tissue dielectric properties.
- Characterize
variability sources
ACTE is divided into 3 main tasks
- TASK 1: configurations to cover, new LTE sources development
- TASK 2: New-born and very young kids images segmentation, and new deformation tools development
- TASK 3: Exposure analysis and characterization of variability sources