Kidpocket is a french project supported by ANR (French Research Agency). The project began in 2009 and will last 3 years.Main objectives of Kidpocket are:
- to develop new antropomorphic 3D models of children
- to develop tools to deform these models
- to analyse the exposure depending on morphology, usages, positions, sources
- to use statistical methods to evaluate uncertainties of exposure assessment
Kidpocket is divided in to 4 main work packages.
- WP 1: Analysis of RF sources and configurations to be covered
- WP 2: Development of new children models ans tools to deform them
- WP 3 : Analysis of exposure induced in children by RF sources
- WP 4 : Analysis of uncertainties associated to variabilties of morphology, positions and usages.
Why Kidpocket?
Mobile phones are widely used and in particular by children. Last
TNS-SOFRES pool in France showed that in 2010, 90% of young people
between 12 and 24 years-old have their own mobile.
Moreover, exposure to EMF is still a big concern.
The 2006 Research Agenda of WHO identified as high priority "Further work on dosimetric models of children of different ages and of pregnant women"The 2010 Research Agenda of WHO identified as high priority "Quantify personal exposure from a range of RF sources and identify the determinantes of exposure in general population"
The European Commission supported in the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) the epidemiological study Mobikids. Question to be answered is
"Do communication technologies and environnmental exposures affect the risk of brain tumours in young people?"