The International Agency for the Research on Cancer (IARC) announced in a press release (1) and in a paper appeared in Lancet Oncology ( 2 ) that the electromagnetic fields radio frequencies are classified from now in the category "2B" that is " possibly carcinogenic to humans". Numerous press articles are appeared to this subject.
To understand this classification "2B" it is necessary to know that this classification leans on an analysis of the scientific literature (3) in the field of mechanisms, the in vivo, in vitro studies and the epidemiological studies. The publications of the results of the international study Interphone concerning the brain tumours of type gliomes and meningiomes and their possible link with the use of the mobile phone were particularly analyzed. The authors of this epidemiological study of type case-control (gathering 13 countries) did not end at a risk but did not exclude it because of results which can suggest an increase of the risk for the extensive users this without excluding the influence on the bias. The effect not being demonstrated, the group of experts of the IARC ended in a limited evidence justifying the classification 2B. As it is indicated in the press release the IARC encouraged the continuation of the researches and has indicated precautionary measures to reduce its exposure during phone calls. For other types of cancers and for risks linked to the radio frequencies emitted in occupational environment and in the environment, by the antennas of broadcasting, radio and telephony as well as the other systems of wireless communication (WiFi, Bluetooth), the level of proof was considered insufficient to conclude.