EDITO: heading for future
WHIST LAB is the common
laboratory of the Institute Mines-Telecom and Orange.
This laboratory, created in 2009, is dedicated to the communicating man
and to the interactions between waves and people. It has for objective
to strengthen the common areas of research in this domain by allowing
the teams to put in synergy their research and innovation means.
contribution of the teams in numerous projects ANR, ANSES and FP7 such
as, to quote only the last ones, Acte and LEXNET, the studies led for
the period 2009-2012 and the associated publications show that the
initial objective of the common laboratory was reached. The numerous
collaborations which were established and strengthened are so many
assets for future. Isaac Newton wrote: "people build too many walls and
not enough bridges." Today the collaborative and
interdisciplinary research became essential to build the future. The
common Laboratory takes place in this perspective.
Joe Wiart, Isabelle Bloch et Christian Person
Head of the common laboratory
Micro-waves Department - Christian
and Image Processing Depatment - Isabelle BLOCH
LAB's news

20th day dedicated to EMF
has been
taken place the 19th of December 2013 at Telecom Paris Tech and is
supported by WHIST Lab. Presentations are available here.
Joint Workshop of URSI K Commission and ICNIRP
August 29th & 30th, 2013
Télécom Part
More info...
Take part of the european
project LEXNET by filling out a questionnaire. More info...
19th day dedicated to EMF
has been
taken place the 20th of December 2012 at Telecom Paris Tech and is
supported by WHIST Lab. Presentations are available here.
day dedicated to EMF
has been
taken place the 15th of December 2011 at Telecom Paris Tech and is
supported by WHIST Lab. Presentations are available here.
IARC Classification of RF EMF Mai 2011
International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies RF
EMF as "Possibly carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2B).
Nomination 2011
Joe Wiart
has been nominated at the BEMS board "Engineering & Physical
Sciences" .
17th day dedicated to EMF
December 2010
has been taken place the 16th of December at Telecom Paris Tech and has
been supported by WHIST Lab.
Internal seminar WHIST 2010
internal WHIST seminar was the 2nd and 3th September 2010 at
Telecom Paris Tech.